1. Compiler explorer C++ (godbolt.org)

    Posted 11 months ago c++ compiler notes

  2. Computational Geometry Pages (computational-geometry.org)

    Posted 11 months ago geometry notes

  3. Generating wrapping world maps (jgallant.com)

    Posted 11 months ago pcg procedural content generation maps notes

  4. Getting started with pico [PDF] (datasheets.raspberrypi.org)

    Posted 11 months ago raspberrypi pico notes

  5. Introduction to Computing with Geometry Notes (pages.mtu.edu)

    Posted 11 months ago geometry computing curves splines algorithm notes

  6. Microphone techniques recording (shure.com)

    Posted 11 months ago audio notes

  7. OpenGL tutorial (opengl-tutorial.org)

    Posted 11 months ago opengl graphics math shader materials notes

  8. Philiphs hue api (austenclement.com)

    Posted 11 months ago api philips hue notes

  9. Picotool (github.com)

    Posted 11 months ago raspberrypi pico notes

  10. Procedural Content Generation Blog (bldgblog.com)

    Posted 11 months ago pcg procedural content generation notes